NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Maths Application of Integrals

In order to solve the questions based on these topics, you are required to have a better knowledge of formulas and concepts of integrals. These solutions are prepared by the subject experts of Self Studys, so referring to the NCERT Solutions of Class 12 Maths Free PDF will allow you to deepen your understanding in theContinue reading “NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Maths Application of Integrals”

JEE Main Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions To Become Ready For Exam

The answer is very simple, the more you solve the actual question papers, the closer you will understand the exam pattern, marking scheme, and even the difficulty level of problems. Apart from the Mains PYP, you can refer to the JEE Main Previous Year Question papers that will guide you to access all important studyContinue reading “JEE Main Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions To Become Ready For Exam”

Take Advantage of NCERT Solutions Class 10 Maths Chapter Wise

This is the most important study material for 10th class students as it enables them to answer any kind of questions, whether it is easy or difficult. The topics studied from NCERT Solutions Class 10 Maths Chapter Wise can also help you in cracking exams like JEE Main, Advanced and more. Students can share easilyContinue reading “Take Advantage of NCERT Solutions Class 10 Maths Chapter Wise”

How To Complete Rajasthan Board Class 12 Syllabus 2022 Before Exam

RBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2022 has been reduced and candidates can refer to the syllabus, to know about the deleted portion of Rajasthan Board Class 12 Syllabus for each subject. Referring to this will enable the candidates to learn about the topics and concepts that are recommended to them to learn before the board exams.Continue reading “How To Complete Rajasthan Board Class 12 Syllabus 2022 Before Exam”

Term 2 CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Will Definitely Boost Your Preparation

In order to improve exam preparation, a student needs to be consistent with their practice, revisions, self-assessment and more. But exam preparation times are full of confusion, anxiety, and stress that interrupt the consistency in preparation. Therefore, Selfstudys team has bundled all the subject wise CBSE Class 12 Term 2 Sample Paper, and given themContinue reading “Term 2 CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Will Definitely Boost Your Preparation”

JEE Main Study Material Download PDF

Selfstudys is India’s Number 1 online education platform which offers free resources in PDF. If you are an IIT aspirant and preparing for 2022 Mains papers then you can use JEE Main Study Material Download PDF. It includes NCERT Books, Revision Notes, Old Question Papers with Solutions, Online Test Series, Daily Practice Papers, Syllabus andContinue reading “JEE Main Study Material Download PDF”

Rajasthan Board Class 12 Model Paper To Learn Time Management

Any student who wants to excel in their board examination, needs to learn the time management skill. This skill is one of the most essential skills that a student should have Rajasthan Board Class 12 Model Paper good knowledge in this subjects. Going through those questions enables you to learn about the exam pattern, andContinue reading “Rajasthan Board Class 12 Model Paper To Learn Time Management”

Become Confident For JEE Mains Maths Exam Using Mock Test

In the JEE Mains Maths Exam, the questions will be asked from various chapters, so challenging your understanding of the subject by using JEE Mock Test Chapter Wise can allow you to face the actual Mains level questions. As a result of this dare, your self-confidence in maths will boost and you will end up performingContinue reading “Become Confident For JEE Mains Maths Exam Using Mock Test”

Improve Writing Skills Using JEE Main Previous Questions

The JEE Mains 2022 Exam is around the corner and students are wandering on the Internet to find, Last 5 Years IIT-JEE Previous Year Question Papers in PDF. However, on Selfstudys we are giving more than 5 years old question papers that will help aspirants to prepare better and write better answers. An IIT aspirantContinue reading “Improve Writing Skills Using JEE Main Previous Questions”

How To Overcome Difficulties While Solving Class 10 Maths?

If you do this, you will answer any complex questions very effectively. This is one of the best strategies to tackle the difficult questions of class 10th mathematics. Therefore, if you face a problem while solving a maths question of Class 10th, refer to the NCERT 10th Maths Solutions PDF. It is absolutely free andContinue reading “How To Overcome Difficulties While Solving Class 10 Maths?”

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